Wazifa for Love Back here is the Powerful wazifa for love marriage of Surah e Ikhlas as we know Most of girls and boy falls in love and they want to achieve their lover which is the best way according to islam.This Wazifa is for love is gifted to me from my teacher this wazifa has strong effects and tested many times but your intention is just do it for marriage.

- First of all offer 2 rakat salat e toba (forgiveness) and then make a dua for forgiveness and success and in your True love from Allah.
- First and Last Recite Darood sharif 7 or 11 times
- When you are doing this wazifa for true love make sure that keep your lover in your mind means think of your lover and the do dua with the names of your lover and her mother name and you and your mother name and blow on her in think that she/he is in front of you.
- Start this wazifa from Monday or Thursday also note that keep your time and place same.
- Don't tell to anyone that you are doing this wazifa
- Don't lose hope you must have strong belief on Allah
This wazifa work while you are going to do it with intention of marriage and eat halal food any one who can eat haram must'nt do this wazifa for true love because it will harm you.Keep in mind that before you are going to this amal check that you are not victim of black magic if you are then treat them.