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Everyone have make sins in your life some sins are on small and some are in large scale but both are the same because sins are sins so avoid from sins which is not a formal thing and the person who do it have also no respect in their society as well as in the front of Allah therefore the Prophet Sallalaho Alayhi Wa Allihe Wasalam Said that anyone of you having full faith on Sayed-ul-Astaghfar which you can see below and recite it when and at the day he/she die before sunset will go to paradise and anyone who recite it during night and dies before sun-rise will go to the paradise.Bukhari Sharif we are not innocent but are Transgressor (Gunehgar)  so recite astighfar below every time to washout your sins God will help us after death.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.Allah Thou art my lord there is no God besides,Thou created me. I am Thy slave and as far as I could I remain steadfast to Thy Promise and I beseech Thy forgiveness from my evil deeds. I humbly affirm what Thou bestowal on me and I plead guilty to my sins. Forgive me, for except Thee there is none to forgive me.

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