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Wazifa for children marriage

Nowadays there is a great problem of  children marriage because sometimes the parent of spouse comes to look for to make relationship they look eat and drink and give positive comment but after that disappear like bullet and don't replay whether sometimes girls cross the age of marriage and no one to comes to look them for marriage but don't lose hope and never left rope of Allah belwo are the great wazifa for children marriage which will help you a lot and you will be succeeded if you pay full attention during doing this wazifa.
Wazifa for children marriage

our Lord, grant us from our wives & children the coolness of our eyes and make us the leaders of the pious.

this wazifa for children marriage is taken form holy quraan. Recite.Recite this wazifa for the marriage of children. Recite.Recite this wazifa after every prayers abundantly till your wish comes true and do also istikhara for your children marriage whether it good or bad for them because we don't do istikhara sometimes which is not correct and after that we rub our do it and offer namaz and advise to your children to offer namaz five times daily and also give little sadqa to poor people.

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